Sunday, August 21, 2011

WEEK 9: An overview of the course “Building Teaching Skills through the Interactive Web”

The topic of week 9 is rather interesting with technology and multiple intelligences. I read the articles “Tech tools that support multiple intelligences” and “The impact of different learning styles on classroom performance” and have a clear perspective of the great impact of different learning styles on classroom performance. I’m planning to use the learning styles assessment chart which helps me to determine my students’ learning styles. Based on that chart I can have a clear vision of my students’ habits as well as their learning styles in order to choose appropriate multiple intelligences with the help of technology.

In my opinions, I think it’s important for teachers to explore students’ interest as well as strengths and weaknesses in each intelligence in order to find appropriate and good multiple intelligences for students’ learning development.

This course is coming to an end but the knowledge I’ve got from it will go with me forever. In fact, the E-skill course is very helpful for my technology-enhanced teaching. In addition, I’ve learned from other participants’ ideas and information share. It’s really wonderful I’ve had chances to share experiences, knowledge, thoughts and plans with teachers all over the world.

You can have a look at the overview of what I tried and what I will continue to learn after the course is over:

Hope we can keep in touch!

All the best,

1 comment:

  1. Hello Phuong-Mai,

    it is good to have a clear idea about the multiple intelligence and learning styles of our students, that is a great idea use the learning styles assessment chart, because it helps to determine you and your students identify the learning styles and you will use multiple intelligences, enhanced the learning process with technology.

    In reference to the experience in the E-skill course, I agree with you. It will be very helpful for us and enhance teaching mainly. And remember: Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. "Will Durant.”

    The best Regard,

