Thursday, August 25, 2011

WEEK 10: Final Reflection

This course is really a useful one for English teachers. To be honest, I was very lucky to participate in it. Time went too fast, I would like to learn more and don’t want to say goodbye to Robert, my helpful online instruction and other E-classmates whom I’ve learnt a lot from. Frankly speaking, I’m not an expert at computer or an English teacher of many years of experience. After attending this course, I’ve felt more confident and experienced in technology-enhanced teaching.

I think the topics which worked well were skill-building websites for English skills enhancement, project-based learning (Webquests), learning styles and multiple intelligences and the use of alternative assessment (Rubric). From these topics, I’ve known more useful weblinks, resources or materials for teaching English skills, used rubric and webquests as project-based tasks for encouraging students’ collaborative work, critical thinking and learning autonomy, explored students’ learning styles in order to use appropriate technological tools for multiple intelligences.

In my opinions, I think the most useful topics in this course were ground rules for discussion, academic blogs, writing ABCD learning objectives, technology tools for creating student-centered class and teaching with online tools in which ANVILL is a good tool for communicative development, easytestmaker and hot potatos are best to create online and offline tests.

Tools that I will use in class are reflective blog (forum, discussion), webquests, rubric, ANVILL (voiceboards and Quizzes and Surveys). In addition, I would like to use conceptTest, quickwrite, Jeopardy game to create an interactive PPT. Students are expected to get interested in the interactive PPT lessons; motivated and confident when take part in the forum/discussion and learn autonomously.

Tools that I suggest we could look at are Delicious (save good bookmarks of skill-building websites for English skill development), rubric for alternative assessment, PBL (webquest), appropriate technology tools for learner autonomy and multiple intelligences.

Thanks to this E-course, I have a new inspiration of teaching English skills with technology enhancement. It helped refresh my mind, at the moment I feel more confident and eager to apply what I’ve learned from this course to my teaching. Until now I’ve felt satisfied with the way the instructor lead the participants to the world of technology-enhanced teaching. I would like to send my deepest thanks to Robert, who did a good job. For the most part, he’s by our sides and give encouragement, advice whenever the participants need help. Moreover, a sincere thank goes to Jesse, Racquel and Jeff for their contribution to the discussion. Their ideas are so great and effective. This online course was a great opportunity for me to share experiences, knowledge, thoughts or plans with other teachers all around the world.

Thanks for everything!

All the best,


  1. Phuong-Mai

    I agree with you when you say "this E-course, I have a new inspiration of teaching English skills with technology enhancement. It helped refresh my mind, at the moment I feel more confident and eager to apply what I’ve learned from this course to my teaching."
    Always it is important refresh knowledge, because sometimes we do not have time to apply them and sometimes we feel unconfident because we think that knowledge have been forgotten them.
    So Dear Phuong-Mai is our responsibility change our old-fashioned classes by modern classes, and motivating our students learn English in the best way and according the advance the science and technology.

  2. Dear Gezaga,

    It’s not late at all to apply what we’ve learnt to our teaching. I think you’ve tried and get experienced in enhancing technological tools so far.

    You can say it again, teachers have to update themselves and be responsible for their teaching. I think teaching is not very difficult, the core is that we must know learners’ need, interests and expectations. In addition, exploring students’ learning styles is one of the useful first steps for teachers in determining what students would like to learn and what teachers should do to help students reach their goals.

    It’s great that we can take part in this online course and get the most out of this course. Therefore, I think we as English teachers can make it because we know where we are now and what technology tools for teaching enhancement.

    Try our best.


  3. Phuong-Mai

    A very thoughtful and well expressed final post. I agree 100% that this class is not predicated upon participants being experts, but I know many participants feel the pressure that they should be.

    I like to look at the class as a chance to build confidence and competence in some key areas, and gain a sense of breadth of possibilities in multiple areas. Hopefully there is room for more advanced Tech people to learn, as well as relative beginners. That is the goal, anyway.

    Please take care, and best of luck with your bright teaching and tech future!

