Sunday, July 10, 2011

Week 3: Aural/Oral skill-building websites and Delicious page

Each week seems to be a new world to explore and the feeling of discovering and achieving something is very interesting. Up to now, I’ve created my academic blog (week 1), got to know an effective search engine that is NoodleTools (week 2) and had my Delicious page this week.

Delicious is a very useful technological tool to save and share web links online. Not only do I keep my bookmarks, but also I can have access to what others have saved and shared. Have a look at my Delicious page: As you see, I’ve saved some aural/oral skill-building websites suggested Robert (my online instructor) that I find it helpful to the English teaching and self-studying. I’ve tagged a number of my bookmarks which are in categories like EFL teaching, listening and personal. In order to have multiple tags in Delicious, we use space to separate them. In addition, we can edit our tags to make it appropriate for websites searching.

For sure, I’ll introduce my Delicious page to my students and help them create their own as they get accustomed to web-skills at a certain proficiency level. Hopefully, my students get interested in those websites listed in my Delicious page so that they can improve their English skills, especially listening and speaking skill.


  1. Hi Phuong,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. yours is nice too. I will try out your idea of introducing my delicious page to students and see what effect this will have on their learning autonomy.

  2. Hello Phuong

    I tried posting you a message 2-3 days back but it wouldn't go. I'm trying it again. I had written about my experience of teaching English to 5 Vietnamese foreign service officers (Fulbright Fellows, and I was one too at that time)in the US in 1999. your country is beautiful and your people warm-hearted. I would love to visit it some time. We are grateful to the course organizers for bringing all of us together. i want to get to know all of you better.

    I had a look at your blog. You have more or less the same websites as me. You must let me know when you add new ones. Do visit mine too.

    Best wishes


  3. Hello Phuong-Mai

    I like how you summarize whet we have learned so far, including this week's ideas. Tags are very important to know how to use, and I think they will only increase in importance.


  4. Hi,

    I share with you and Robert that letting students access my Delicious Page is an excellent idea, especially to students who are really keen on improving their English.
